The Oueslati Sportschule wants to ensure that all athletes are provided with an equal opportunity to further develop their skills without creating additional burdens on their families. This program is meant to assist athletes with their financial needs but is limited and only for qualifying participants. We believe in providing membership and program services to all who desire to participate. Part of our philosophy is to not turn anyone away due to their inability to meet financial obligations.
The assistance can be anywhere from providing certain discounts to covering all required expenses at 100%. In return, depending on the level of assistance, athletes and/or their family members may be asked to volunteer their time or other support/services accommodating Oueslati Sportschule to be agreed upon prior to granting any financial assistance, which will be tracked by the Oueslati Sportschule Family.
We will review your application and try to provide a notification within 30 days of receipt. If both parties have agreed to all terms and any financial assistance is awarded, athletes/parents/guardians are responsible for making sure to follow our terms and share changes in financial circumstances immediately. Should any of the agreement be voided or any of the provided information prove to be false, the assistance will be withdrawn, all fees applied fully and are required to be paid in full, and services may be discontinued.
If any athlete under this program stops attending and participating in our services beyond 30 days, the assistance will be withdrawn and the individual would have to re-apply.
In order to be considered for need-based financial assistance, any athlete/family must submit a complete financial assistance application. Incorrect or incomplete applications will be removed and rejected without further explanation. Of course, all information will be kept highly confidential.
How to Apply for Financial Assistance
In order to apply for our unique financial assistance please submit a request via email stating why and for which service(s) you are seeking support. Once we receive your initial request we will provide you with the official application and any next steps.
Of course, we welcome any supporters who would like to sponsor athletes or contribute to our cause.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +1.404-279-2032
or send us an email: Info@OUESLATISPORTSCHULE.COM.
Oueslati Sportschule
6050 Peachtree Parkway Suite 240 PEACHTREE CORNERS, GA 30092 US
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